
pid·dle [pid-l] verb, pid·dled, pid·dling.

To spend time in a wasteful, trifling, or ineffective way; dawdle (often followed by around ): He wasted the day piddling around.

Friday, March 2, 2012


So I looked around my random parts box trying to decide what to make with the Arduino board.  I had a couple segmented LED displays so I thought I would try to make up a little temperature gauge using a thermistor to read the temp and display.

I figured this would be a good time to play around with Fritzing and plan the breadboard and make up a little schematic for reference.  Things were going pretty well and the tool works quite nicely - I started out just grabbing a few parts and placing them to see how things snap into the breadboard sockets and how the wires connect up.  From my experience it seemed easier to me to make connections on the breadboard view.  When trying to make connections on the schematic view, the "wire" mode was kind of finicky and it took several attempts to get the cursor in just the right position.

Once I was familiar with the basics of the program I went to actually create a decent representation of my design and hit a roadblock - the old displays I have from Radio Shack are not in their parts library.  That sent me off on a quest to figure out how to add parts to Fritzing.  It doesn't seem too difficult but I need to grab an SVG editor - I plan on using Inkscape since it is open source.

Looks like the build is on delay for now.  I could just skip the whole drawing and documentation aspect but there really isn't any urgency to building the project.  It would be better if I take the time and properly document things so if I want to re-build it later I'll have the information handy.

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