
pid·dle [pid-l] verb, pid·dled, pid·dling.

To spend time in a wasteful, trifling, or ineffective way; dawdle (often followed by around ): He wasted the day piddling around.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It's Here

So my Uno board came in the other day and I got a chance to play around with it for a few minutes and take a look at the schematic today.  At first I did not think that you could do anything with the board without wiring up some circuitry on a breadboard but there is actually one LED that is available and the blink sketch which comes as an example makes use of it.

If you go to Open > Basics > Blink it will open a sketch that turns the LED on for 1 second and then turns the LED off for one second.

Everything works very smoothly for me.  Simply plug it in and hit the "play" button to compile and download the sketch.  I did have to select the USB port that was being used but once that was done it downloaded without any issues.

It looks like really all you can do is "burn and learn" with this system - there is no debugging available to allow the setting of breakpoints, stepping, etc. so it looks like it may be difficult to figure out what is happening in more complicated systems.  However, I seem to recall that I read somewhere a debugging feature is in the works so we may get one in the near future.

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